Restes // Remains

“Transitives N°6” à la Galerie 2angles, Centre de Création Contemporaine, Flers, Basse-Normandie. 16 / 11 / 2013 > 11 / 01 / 2014

“Ancien Monument aux Morts 1914/1918 de Tessé-la-Madeleine”, 2013 Sérigraphie sur papier A3 /// Silkscreen on paper A3.

“Les restes, 1945” (Tête de l’Ancien Monument aux morts de Tessé-la-Madeleine), 2013 7 Sérigraphies sur papier A3, Vitrine /// 7 silkscreen on paper A3, Showcase.
“Former War Memorial (14-18)” is inspired by a disappeared monument. This Monument was built after the First World War is a small village in Normandy to commemorate death soldiers. It was destroyed by a shell during the Second World War. Only the head was left. This head is still preserved in the town hall. With the silkscreen I reproduce in a way the irony of the history and the idea to built monuments in order to remember. I printed one old image of the whole disappeared monument and I printed what is left: the head, until its disappearance. The result is a ghostly appearance/disappearance. The concept of event is important in my work and I’m still exploring it. Pasts events change meanings during periods, through individual and collectives memories and deserves political interests. Exploring Monuments as a particular form of politics, I would like to question role of built, neglect, destroy or simply disappear monuments in severals countries.
Silkscreen is in my work a way to show the hidden weft (frame) of events, and tell a story.

“Ouvre-lettre / Open-letter, 1914-1918”, 2013 >> Sérigraphie sur papier A4 /// Silkscreen on paper A4